Welcome to the Board of Computatrum.

Welcome to me, Computatrum's simple and oldschool website!

I do...

About Me

Heya, I'm Computatrum. I'm doing pretty much anything (but amateur) in computer a envoriment. I'm Turkish.

I was a generic Turkish kid, I spent my days to watching YouTube's colorful world. Because of these English based subtitled YT videos, I somehow improved my English skill none to better. My family still fascinated with my English.

On Spring 2018, when I was in primary school, I created a Scratch account. Because of that account, I got curious for computer-based stuff like programming, 2 dimentional animating, art, anime and et cetera. That account was a milestone for me but unfortunately I deleted that account.

When I started being curious about programming and CS, I started to buy a few PL books for improving myself. I read some of them but I still don't have a main PL. Python and Java is my best candidates. I used to do C# projects, actually. But since I switched my operating system to Debian, Desktop based C# programming is nearly impossible. So before I switch to Debian, I decided to learn Python or/and Java once again. And we're here!


Mail Me!
My discord: computatrum42